Founded in 2024, the Batten Disease Global Research Initiative is a consortium of peak patient advocacy organizations worldwide, that share the common goal of advancing research for all forms of Batten disease, or Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCLs).

The founding members of the Global Research Initiative are:

  • Batten Disease Support, Research, & Advocacy (BDSRA) Foundation, USA
  • BDSRA Canada
  • BDSRA Australia
  • Batten Disease Family Association (BDFA) UK

Under the auspices of the Global Research Initiative Grant Program, we are working together to identify, foster, and collectively invest in the most promising research around the world, to accelerate therapeutic development, improve diagnosis and standards of care, and enhance the quality of life and outcomes for all individuals affected by Batten disease.


Research Strategy

The Batten Disease Global Research Initiative Grant Program aims to invest in the most promising research worldwide that addresses key research questions and areas of unmet need in Batten disease.

This may include, but is not limited to, one or more of the Top 10 Research Priority questions for Batten disease, as identified in the 2024 Research Priority Setting Partnership survey conducted by the Kennedy Krieger Research Institute in partnership with the BDSRA Foundation, in accordance with the James Lind Alliance Method.

Top 10 Research Priorities for Batten Disease

  1. What are the best gene-targeted therapy options for Batten disease? How can this research be accelerated?
  2. What are valid, reliable biomarkers that can inform Batten disease diagnosis, prognosis or treatment response?
  3. What impact does Batten disease have on organs and body systems outside the central nervous system?
  4. Can disease progression be halted or reversed?
  5. How does Batten disease impact cognition and behavior?  What are the best treatment strategies for these symptoms?
  6. What strategies can be used to enhance early diagnosis (including newborn screening)? What are the impacts of early detection and diagnosis?
  7. What interventions are best for maintaining function in Batten disease (including communication, learning, motor skills, mobility, etc)?
  8. Which therapies have the potential for the fastest translation from bench to bedside? How do we accelerate therapy development?
  9. What can be learned about Batten disease from similar lysosomal disorders? Which disease processes represent shared therapeutic targets?
  10. Which complementary health approaches (including diet, supplements, exercise, etc) are helpful for improving symptoms or slowing progression in Batten disease?


Grants of up to USD $50,000 will be awarded for one year, with the potential of renewal based on outcomes in the first year. Exceptional applications may be funded at a higher amount if the budget request is justified.

Funding will be provided by the Global Research Initiative, with financial contributions made by core member organizations BDSRA Foundation, BDSRA Canada, and BDSRA Australia, with in-kind support from BDFA. In addition to the collective funding provided by these organizations, co-funding support may be sought from other interested parties. Additional organizations or individuals who choose to co-fund specific projects under the Global Research Initiative Grant Program will be recognized as Global Research Initiative Funding Partners (find out more under FUNDING PARTNERS below).

Grant Application Process

The Global Research Initiative will be open for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from Monday, July 29, 2024, per the requirements stipulated in the Information for Applicants document.

Information for Applicants and Research Grant Program Guidelines will be available here once the EOI call is open.

Before submitting an EOI, applicants are encouraged to read the Research Grant Program Guidelines below.

EOIs must be submitted no later than midnight in the applicant’s local time zone on Friday August 30, 2024. 

2024-2025 KEY DATES

July 29, 2024 Expressions of Interest Open
August 30, 2024 Expressions of Interest CLOSED
Late September, 2024 EOI outcomes advised. Invitations for Full Proposals.
November 19, 2024 Full Proposal Submissions CLOSED
Early February, 2025 Grant outcomes announced


In addition to driving and funding research, our core member organizations also provide practical support to families affected by any form of Batten disease, promote awareness and advocacy, and provide education and resources to their communities.

Find out more about each organization by clicking the logo links below.

Batten Disease Support, Research, & Advocacy (BDSRA) Foundation, USA

BDSRA Australia

BDSRA Canada

Batten Disease Family Association (BDFA) UK

We warmly invite additional organizations who share our mission to join the Global Research Initiative. To find out more, please contact us at research@bdsrafoundation.org.


We recognize there are many outstanding foundations and organizations worldwide that support research into individual Batten disease subtypes only. We warmly invite any additional organizations or individuals to consider co-funding any subtype-specific projects deemed sufficiently worthy of funding through the Global Research Initiative Grant review process. Contributing parties will be recognized as Batten Disease Global Research Initiative Partners.  

To get involved or find out more, please contact us at research@bdsrafoundation.org.


Get in touch with the Batten Disease Global Research Initiative, email research@bdsrafoundation.org or fill out the form below.