BDSRA Annual Funding Cycle
BDSRA has not issued a request for letters of intent (RLOI) for the 2021 research grant cycle. BDSRA supports scientific investigations through an annual merit review process, awarding grants to researchers throughout the world; however, due to ongoing concerns with Covid-19, BDSRA is suspending its 2021 grant cycle.
For past calls for LOIs, BDSRA seeks innovative research projects that have the potential to advance therapeutic strategies for all or any of the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses. Each award, depending on funding availability, will be no more than $40,000 for a one-year period.
LOIs will be reviewed by members of the BDSRA board and invited by scientific reviewers.
As always, the scientific merit of projects is paramount. We also greatly encourage projects that will pull together multiple funding sources, cross-lab collaborations, and projects that have promise of future NIH, DOD or other government, or industry funding.
LOI guidelines can be found here.
Please contact us at if you have any questions.
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