2016 is going to be a big year for translational research-from bench to bedside, thanks to researchers who have benefited from BDSRA families’ funding efforts.   Additionally, great strides are being made in the gene therapy world for Batten.  Spark Therapeutics is moving toward human trials of gene therapy for CLN2 based on the work of Dr. Beverly Davidson et al.  The Charlotte and Gwenyth Gray Foundation is moving quickly to clinical trials for gene therapy in partnership with BDSRA Center of Excellence at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.  This work is based on basic research performed at Sanford Health by Dr. Jill Wiemer.  Gene therapy for CLN3 as well as drug repurposing studies are moving forward under the direction of Dr. Tammy Kielian, at the University of Nebraska.  BDSRA is a proud funder of her research that is driven by her passion for cures in children with CLN3, like her niece Olivia.  Read more here about Tammy’s work in this show-stopping article about her from theOmaha World Herald.