Six amazing Batten siblings have registered to run the Disney Princess ½ marathon or 10k at Walt Disney World on February 25th and 26th, 2017. They are Megan Chandler, Addie Heuchan, Kody Maynard, Mike McDonough, Jeni Montavon and Sara Thompson. Each of them has had a sibling that has been diagnosed with Batten Disease. Batten Disease is a rare, fatal, neurological disease affecting children of various ages. Currently there is no treatment or cure and it is always fatal.

You can do a virtual run with the group to show your support. You can also purchase a Princess Run t-shirt. T-shirt orders must be received by January 14th to ensure delivery prior to the race. See the T-shirt design on the team members individual pages.

If you have bracelets in honor or memory of your child, please send one to the BDSRA at 1175 Dublin Road, Columbus, OH 43215 and they will be worn by the runners on race day. Bracelets must be at the office by February 15, 2017.

The money raised by this event will go towards research for the various forms of Batten Disease.

Together this group runs in honor or in memory of their siblings. They run for hope. They run for a cure.

Register here: