We’ve moved to a new location to better meet the needs of the community and staff. You will now find us at 2780 Airport Drive, Suite 342, Columbus, Ohio, 43219. We ask that you please send all mailed correspondence and donations to this new address and update your contact records in all ways that are applicable to you.
- Remove 1175 Dublin Road from your address book and replace it with our new 2780 Airport Drive address.
- For those of you that contribute via your employer or a financial planner, please forward this email to them and include a message to ask that they update The Batten Disease Support and Research Association’s address to 2780 Airport Drive, Suite 342, Columbus, Ohio, 43219.
- Recycle any old envelopes from us that contain our 1175 Dublin Road address

We are excited to be able to serve you better at our new address and thank you for your efforts to update our information in your records. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@bdsra.org or to any of our staff members directly.
Thank you!
The Batten Disease Support and Research Association
2780 Airport Drive, Suite 342
Columbus, Ohio, 43219