Focus for 2018’s Research Funding Round: Biomarkers

BDSRA seeks letters of intent (LOI) from the Batten and larger lysosomal disease research community for innovative technologies in biomarkers for any of the 14 forms of Batten disease. Development of, or improvement of biomarkers using tissue, blood, urine or imaging are welcome, as are new concepts in development. As always, the scientific merit of projects is paramount. We also greatly encourage projects that will pull together multiple funding sources, cross-lab collaborations, and projects that have promise of future NIH, DOD or other government, or industry funding.

More information on the LOI guidelines can be found at BDSRA Annual Funding Cycle .

BDSRA believes that to effectively unravel the mysteries of Batten disease, the worlds of medical science, research, and families must work together toward a common goal: discover treatments and cures while assuring a better quality of life for those living with the disease. BDSRA’s focus it to:

  • Develop ‘research assets’ such as animal models, tissue samples, etc. within disease forms to make available to researchers worldwide.
  • Facilitate early discussion with university researchers, biotech, NIH and FDA partners to speed drug discovery
  • Provide funding to encourage new idea development and collaborations
  • Utilize BDSRA’s ever-growing family community to provide patient-focused input and direction on trial readiness and trial execution

Each year, BDSRA invites letters of intent (LOI) from over 200 scientists working in the field to fund the most promising basic and translational (moving to clinical trial) research.  Each proposal is peer-reviewed by experts in lysosomal diseases at universities, children’s hospitals and in the pharmaceutical industry to provide well-rounded reviews.

To see past award winners please visit Research Awards 2017.

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