All we can say is thank you to our Batten disease community and donors. This is yet another example of this community’s dedication and resilience and thanks to you, we can continue to provide compassionate support and advocacy for all CLN types.
Batten Disease Awareness Day donations will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. EDT this Saturday, June 15.
From our crew to yours, we hope you had an enjoyable and safe International Batten Disease Awareness Day. No matter where you are in your Batten journey, we’re here to remind you how important you are to your Batten community family, and we’re always here for you.
Thank you for your advocacy! 💜❤️
By Patrick Kotnik|2024-06-09T18:32:05-04:00June 10th, 2024|Latest News|Comments Off on Thank You For Being A Batten Advocate For A Cure